wow, haven't posted in ages! I pretty much have to be inspired to write a blog. I'm always tied up when I get home, trying to edit whatever pics I took that day, get whatever housework and errands done that need to be done, and trying to get some food into my family that I seldom post unless there's something I really want to say.
But............I liked Five Question Friday :-)) so thanks for the inspiration!
Five Question Friday was brought to you by fivecrookedhalos. Again, you are welcome to do them yourself in the comments or on your own blog! : )
1. Tube socks, calf socks, crew, ankle, none? I like calf socks in the winter, in the wildest colors I can find. Sometimes, if it's REALLY cold, I wear two pairs. (My feet get cold!) in the summer, in Texas? NO socks!!!
2. Was your childs (children’s) name a mutual decision or was it a debate? If you don’t have children, do you plan on giving your spouse a say, or do you have a name you MUST have, regardless if your other half likes it or not?! I wanted to name my first son Travis, after my grandfather, decided on that soon after my grandfather died when I was 13. Max loved his grandfather as well, so his middle name is Dewey, after Max's grandfather. Max picked Aaron's first name and I picked his middle name, Tyler. With Jennifer, Travis, Max, and I laid in bed one morning and picked it out of a baby book. It was the only name all three of us liked (personally, I wanted Emma or Hannah). Her middle name is Kathe, after a woman I worked for. I had a tremendous admiration for her. She passed on in 1991, and I still miss her.
3. What is your favorite type of weather? Spring and fall in Texas; the light in the fall is simply amazing. It makes long shadows that stretch across the yard, and the color is amazing. Spring is pretty much a favorite for the same reason, the light. I like watching all the new life spring forth in flowers, trees,'s what I live for. Summer is usually too hot and winter too cold, although I love it when it snows!!
4. If left to your own devices, what time would you wake up every day? Used to be around noon, but lately, I wake up at 5:30 no matter what's on the agenda for the day.
5. Have you bought your cemetery plots yet? No, I want to be cremated, but we bought Max's plot when we got Aaron's.
So, there ya go, a new blog post!!!